
Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8

Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8 Average ratng: 10,0/10 7280 votes
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  2. Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8 Free Download
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  6. Citrix Ica Client For Firefox
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Citrix ica client for mac 10.6.8 free
Active6 years, 9 months ago

Citrix ICA Client This is a preinstalled software template for Citrix ICA Client. This template was tested with Citrix ICA Client 10.00.603 on Mac OS X 10.6.3 on 5/24/2010. Jun 22, 2011  Watch the video tutuorial on how to install the Citrix ICA Web Client on a Mac OS desktop. Citrix Receiver for Mac 12.3 contains all fixes that were included in Versions 12, 12.1, 12.1.100, and 12.2, plus the following, new fix: If Citrix Receiver for Mac is configured to use a proxy server, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections can fail. Download Citrix Workspace app. Everything you need—your apps, files and desktops—at your fingertips. Citrix Workspace app is the easy-to-install client software that provides seamless, secure access to everything you need to get work done.

I am trying to open an application from my work's citrix presentation server on my macbook. I just downloaded the latest citrix client for mac from their website but when I go to launch an app it tries to open the app in VMware. If I right-click on the app and save target as, I get a launch.ica file which if I try to open in Citrix Dazzle it does not know how to open this file type.

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Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8 Free

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Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8

migrated from superuser.comNov 19 '09 at 8:02

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6 Answers

I was able to fix the same problem by changing the settings on the VMWare virtual machine, so that 'windows applications' (i.e. Citrix apps, or so the system thinks) are not automatically opened with VMWare Fusion. I already had the Citrix plug-in downloaded, but the problem wasn't solved until I changed the settings in VMWare Fusion.

Caleb PineoCaleb Pineo

You need the Citrix ICA Client (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/9610/citrix-ica-client).

Torrent client for mac. Once you have installed it and associated .ica files with this app you should have no problems, although I would recommend using FireFox to login to your works' presentation server as I've have had issues with Safari.

Citrix Ica Client For Mac 10.6.8 Free Download


I have no idea what Citrix is, but generally speaking, you select your file, do a Get Info on it and choose the application you would like to have open it from the little menu in the window.


This is caused by a VMWare Helper Application

1) you need to unregister it from VMWare

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -v -u ~/Documents/Virtual Machines/Windows.vmwarevm/Applications/Citrix Remote Application Runtime — Window.app/

2) Optionally delete the App to prevent it re-registering at the next login

Citrix Ica Client For Mac Os X

3) Reinstall the Citrix Online Web Plugin


Citrix Ica Client For Windows 7

The is repaired quickly by reinstalling the 10.00.603 ICA client found in this location:http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/9610/citrix-ica-client as well as possibly on the Citrix web site.

My problem started when trying to grab the 11.x client, and all hell broke loose. I simply reinstalled the 10.X client over the top of the fouled 11.x and all associations are fine and works as expected.

This is not the final answer for those who need to run the latest ICA client plus VMs on Fusion, but it will get you working again.


My configuration: Citrix Online Plug-in 11.2, VMware Fusion 3.1.2, OS X 10.6.6I tried to unregister/move the Citrix*.app from the VMware Fusion Applications folder, reinstalled Citrix plugin 11 again and again - no success. But it worked fine with doing the following:

  • download ica file via 'save link as' function of the browser
  • select ica file in finder and press cmd+i
  • select Citrix Online Web Plug-in as open with
  • press change all
  • restart browser and try again

Just changeing the association of one ica file seems not to work, because the VMware Application helper stuff, or the Citrix connnection start mechanism itself, tries to start another ica file. That's my assumption.

Citrix Ica Client For Linux


Citrix Ica Client For Firefox

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Citrix Ica Client For Windows Download

This came out months ago. As has already been pointed out, this replaces the old Citrix Online Plug-in. The main difference seems to be the installation and set-up. It was so convoluted under the old online plug-in you had to make sure you had the right version of JAVA installed just to run the installer. After that it never worked until you manually started the plug-in which was buried deep in the recesses of Mac OS. A normal user had absolutely no chance. It was like going back to 1997. Then there was the Citrix support or rather lack of it. The impenetrable Citrix website is anathema to the slickness and clarity that is Apple. Citrix make so many products and it is absolutely impossible to deduce what they all do, how (or if) they work together or how to use them. The Citrix website is completely impossible for anyone who doesn't work for Citrix to use and Citrix seem to be completely incapable of seeing their product miasma through the mind of someone coming to the Citrix universe for the first time. It's so opposite to Apple it's incredible.