
Vsphere Web Client Download For Mac

Vsphere Web Client Download For Mac Average ratng: 7,3/10 6761 votes

After you develop your vSphere Web Client extension, you can follow these recommendations to ensure that your extension is successfully deployed to the vSphere Web Client or the vSphere Client. To improve the performance of your plug-in package, the initial download and deployment time after the first time the user logs into the vSphere Web. Welcome to an Improved Knowledge Base Close The new intelligent search uses machine learning capabilities to learn what content matters most for our customers and improve the relevancy of our search results. Vsphere web client Color Icons. These color Vsphere web client icons belong to our Flat Colors icon set.This is our second most popular icon pack after iOS.Feel free to download this icon in PNG format for free, or unlock vectors. Unlike other icon packs that have merely hundreds of icons, this monster icon pack contains 9,000 icons, all in the same style and quality.

Another way to add this is to shutdown your Nested ESXi VM and use either the “legacy” vSphere C# Client or vSphere Web Client or for those that know how to append and reload the.VMX file as that’s where the configuration file is persisted on disk. Using the vSphere Web Client needs a Web browser which supports it. VMware supports the following guest OS and browser versions for the vSphere Client. Supported guest OS and browser versions are. In response to the deprecation of NPAPI, VMware has released the VMware Remote Console (VMRC) as a standalone application for Windows and Mac OS that can be used in conjunction with VMware vSphere Web Client which is bundled with vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2b and later versions.

Vsphere Web Client Download For Mac

The majority of virtual datacenters are managed from Windows systems. When I started with virtualization I also used a windows system, however when I joined VMware I received a MacBook and this was the beginning of the end. Soon ever window device was replaced with an Apple device in my home. The problem was that I still needed to manage by home lab. To circumvent this, I created a Windows admin VM and installed all my trusted Windows apps, such as Putty, vSphere client and WinSCP. Works great! Until you want to rebuild your lab or restructure the environment. It always felt as a burden and on top of that I didn’t want to spend CPU cycles and waste memory of my home lab on admin VM. Throughout the years I discovered tools for Mac OS that replaced their trusted Windows equivalent and with the new release of the HMTL 5 Web client fling it removed dependency on the Client Integration Plugin (CIP). Here is the list of program and tips and tricks I use on my Mac to manage my Home lab.
Putty > iTerm2
PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client for the Windows Platform allowing you to have access to the command line of the ESXi server. For the Mac platform I recommend iTerm2. Although Mac OS has a native terminal application, iTerm2 has a couple of cool features that I absolutely love. It can run multiple sessions, each in its own tab.
With profiles you can configure the connection settings to your ESX host and with a simple shortcut key combination (for example, Control-command-1, you open a tab to the ESXi host.
Download iTerm2 here.
Remote Desktop > Royal TSX
MS Remote Desktop is available for Mac OS, but the one remote desktop application you want to get is Royal TSX. The free version allows up for ten remote desktop connections, typically more than enough for the majority of home labs. I bought a licensed version as I’m using more than ten profiles and like to separate the workload part of the lab in a separate configuration document from the management part of the lab. One of the cool features is the tabbed layout, allowing you to switch between remote desktops quite easily.
The screens at home have a minimum resolution 2560 x 1440 resolution, Royal TSX allows for any resolution, even native Retina resolution. I like to use the smart zoom and the resolution set by the virtual machine allowing you to have a proper environment to work in without hitting the time-consuming scroll bars.
If security isn’t a big concern for you, you can specify the user and password for the connection at multiple levels. Either on the remote desktop connection profile itself or specify it on the ‘connection document’ for the entire environment. A nice time saver!
If you are the complete opposite and you need higher levels of security, such as Network Level Authentication (NLA) Royal TSX is the application to get. NLA is enabled by default and you can configure to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) as well.
Download Royal TSX here.

WinSCP > CyberDuck

WinSCP and Veeam Backup Free Edition (previously Veeam FastSCP) are the most popular Secure FTP applications that allows you to copy files directly onto the ESXi host. Unfortunately the once announced port to MacOS of WinSCP never came into fruition and therefor I looked for alternatives. There are plenty SFTP clients, the one I use and like is Cyberduck
It allows for creating connection profiles called bookmarks, allowing you to connect to the correct folder directly. It also supports various encryption ciphers and authentication algorithms if you operate in a secure environment. Cyberduck is like all the other listed tools free but the occasionally ask for a donation.
Download Cyberduck here.
VMware ESXi Embedded Host Client fling
The ESXi embedded host client fling allows you to manage the ESXi host directly through a web client. Its fast, it’s easy to install and it provides most of the functionality you need when you are building your lab before deploying the vCenter Appliance. One of the great assets to this tool is the integrated VM console. It’s directly accessible within the browser and does not require any addiotnal plugins or installers. Solving the annoying Client Integration Plugin problem most Mac users faced when connecting to the vCenter via the web client.
The Fling currently only supports ESXi 6.0, however William published a workaround for ESXi 5.x. found here: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2015/08/new-html5-embedded-host-client-for-esxi.html
Download the VMware ESXi Embedded Host Client fling here.
vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling v1.2 (h5client)
This fling got released this week and it allows you to connect with an HTML5 based web client to the vCenter server. Be aware that this client is designed for managing vCenter only! This release focuses on removing the dependency of the client integration plugin allowing administrators to connect with the VM console via the web client and do the basic stuff. Combine that with the normal web client and you execute the majority of operations to setup and deploy your home lab / virtual datacenter.
The client is deployed as a vib on one of the ESXi host. For detailed install instructions visit the VMware vSphere blog.
Download the HTML5 Web Client Fling v1.2 here.
Function keys
Not a tool, but sometimes you are required to press a function key, such as F11 when installing ESXi. No problem when installing physical boxes, a challenge when installing a nested ESXi system using a remote (VM) console. In order to send the correct key, press FN-CMD-F11. This works on most function keys and other non-alphanumeric keys
Please leave a comment if you want to share your favorite tool or handy tips and tricks to save time.


The vSphere Web Client lets you connect to a vCenter Server system to manage an ESXi host through a browser.

If an earlier version of the vSphere Web Client is installed, this procedure upgrades the vSphere Web Client.

vCenter Server 5.1 supports connection between vCenter Server and vCenter Server components by IP address only if the IP address is IPV4-compliant. To connect to a vCenter Server system in an IPv6 environment, you must use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or host name of the vCenter Server. The best practice is to use the FQDN, which works in all cases, instead of the IP address, which can change if assigned by DHCP.


Download the vCenter Server Installer.

Verify that the system has an Internet connection.

Verify that the system meets the software requirements for the vSphere Web Client. See vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client Software Requirements.

Before you install or upgrade any vSphere product, synchronize the clocks of all machines on the vSphere network. See Synchronizing Clocks on the vSphere Network.

Install vCenter Single Sign On, or upgrade to the current version.

Verify that the vSphere Web Client and vCenter Server are registered to the same vCenter Single Sign On server, to ensure that the vSphere Web Client can access the vCenter Server inventory.

Close all browsers before installing or uninstalling the vSphere Web Client.

Log in as a member of the Administrators group on the host machine, with a user name that does not contain any non-ASCII characters.

If you are upgrading the vSphere Web Client, and you plan to use it with any version 5.0.x vCenter Server instance that was registered to a version 5.0 vSphere Web Client without accepting the SSL thumbprint, see Version 5.1 vSphere Web Client Fails to Connect to Version 5.0.x vCenter Server.


In the software installer directory, double-click the autorun.exe file to start the installer.

What to do next

Install the Client Integration Plug-In in the vSphere Web Client. See Install the Client Integration Plug-In in the vSphere Web Client

Vsphere Web Client 6.0 Download

If you will use the vSphere Web Client with version 5.0.x vCenter Servers, register those vCenter Servers on the vSphere Web Client Administration Application page in the browser. You do not need to register version 5.1 vCenter Server systems that use the same vCenter Single Sign On server as the vSphere Web Client. The vSphere Web Client can locate such vCenter Server systems by using VMware Lookup Service. For instructions about registering a vCenter Server System with the vSphere Web Client, see the vCenter Server and Host Management documentation. If the browser fails to open or to display the Administration Application page correctly, open the application from the Windows Start menu: Programs > VMware > VMware vSphere Web Client > vSphere Administration Application

Vsphere Mac Client

If you are installing or upgrading the vSphere Web Client as part of a vCenter Single Sign-On installation or upgrade, install or upgrade Inventory Service. See Install or Upgrade vCenter Inventory Service in a Separate Installation.


Select VMware vSphere®Web Client and click Install.

Follow the prompts in the installation wizard to choose the installer language, and agree to the end user patent and license agreements.


Accept or change the default port settings.

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Enter the information to register the vSphere Web Client with vCenter Single Sign On.

The vCenter Single Sign On administrator user name is admin@System-Domain, and the password must match the password you entered for the administrator user when you installed vCenter Single Sign On. The Lookup Service URL takes the form https://SSO_host_FQDN_or_IP:7444/lookupservice/sdk, where 7444 is the default vCenter Single Sign On HTTPS port number. Your entry should match the entry you made when you installed vCenter Single Sign On. If you entered a different port number when you installed vCenter Single Sign On, use that port number.


Click Install.

Start the vSphere Web Client by doing one of the following actions.

In a browser, go to https://vSphere_Web_Client_host_name_or_IP:9443/vsphere-client.

From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > VMWare > VMware vSphere Web Client > vSphere Web Client.